Tuesday, October 28, 2008


JD is a deprived child.... he doesn't even freaking know who the disney princess' are... yeah he is having me name them off, and he doesn't even know who they still...

yeah im hanging out with him at my house, followed me home... haha,

but like he though that sleeping beauty (also known as princess Arora) was the one with dwarfs... sad huh!?!?!

do do do....

JD frightens me.....

wigaloo! (what ever the crap that is...)

polar bear attacks are not funny... they frighten me inside also...


ok bye....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Greatest Christmas Program Ever

I JUST AUDITIONED FOR THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS PROGRAM EVER, and what can I say, I think my audition went pretty well:)

I think I have a smaller chance of making it, just because its more of a play for thoses 13 or younger, so chances are smaller because of that, and honestly, I have no idea what part they would cast me as, but still. It was a really good audtion, plus I found out about it at 4:30 today and did it at 7:30... so not bad.

It was a cold reading, and I had like 20 min to look at it, and it was like 2 short paragraphs, so it was easy, I had it memorized pretty quickly.

Anywho, so I really feel like dancing, I always feel like dancing crazly when ever I have a good audition, but I really need to pack for my band trip tomorrow,

Oh yeah, thats right! Im going on a band trip tomorrow, first we drive down to st. gorge, have a competion there, then we drive to Vegas! We get there at like, 12:30. Check into our hotal, and then get up the next morning, at 7:00. Then we have a competition in Vegas, FUN FUN!

Im really excited, I get to sit next to one of my best friends Max, which is going to be like the funnest thing ever! Im really excited, this whole this is going to be amazing!!

Well I really should go pack....



Sunday, October 19, 2008

..... my life:0

ok, so in the past, i have been... idk, depressed? but im happy right now:)

kinda random.. but really, its awesome! the Drama is faiding away, (not that it was really any of my drama in the first place..) but like i guess ive learned to deal with it or something... but yeah, its really awesome, omg, i freaking love my friends... haha,

COURTNEY THAT MEANS YOU!! ;) yup, we had fun last night :) (lol, cant touch this, so sick of love songs, l is for the way you look, LOL!) anyway, good times good times :)

Im going to vegas!! (... that sounds awkward...) yeah we are going for marching band, and im so freaking excited!! i get to hang out with Jamie, and Max, and janaliee, (bet i spelled that wrong.... (erny!)(spelled that wrong too...) and Derek (well hanging out with Derek can be iffy.. ) (lol, just kidding, i have to make fun of him :)) yeah its going to be the most amazing thing ever!! woohoo!!

yeah, so thats going to be so amazing!! woohoo! i cant tell you how excited i am for that!!

ok well...... people are still confusing.. but thats ok, im going to just stop thinking about it and just try to have fun....

ok well this has been fun fun!!

wow... random and hyper....

ok bye!!


Sunday, October 5, 2008


Russlle M Nelson

  • Marrage between a man and a women is sacred,
  • Exalation is a family matter, only those who get married in the temple can get the highest degree of glory
  • marrage define compandment
  • moses 1:39 it is my work and my glory to bring to past the imortality and the eternal life of men

william ozwald

  • teaching,
  • we learn how to teach from a good teacher
  • Talking to your students by name, careing for them


  • lovest thou me? feed my sheep.
  • even as thou as done it unto the least of my brothern ye have done it unto me

Didn't get the name....

  • he didnt say we weren't going to suffer, we just weren't going to suffer beyond our health
  • if ye are prepared ye shall not fear
  • one form of preparation is keeping the comandments

Tomas S. Monson

  • eternal life with god is the most presious goal

yeah, not as many notes this time... idk... yeah...



President Henry B Eyring
  • The lord will live with the righteous again
  • joys comes when we are blessed with unity
  • gather in the family, in classes, wards, and be unified in them
  • making a choice when you judge others
  • with the same judgement that you judge others you shall be judged
  • the sacred joy of unity when we don't look down upon others

Rober D. Hales

  • Christen courage
  • true disciples speak with quiet confidence
  • find ways to reach out by others
  • heart felt testimonies are the most powerful things that can be said to others
  • being in the world with out becoming like the world

Keith B.

  • church welfare program is gods help, in an earthly way
  • turn to heavily father, when you feel in despair or alone

elaine s dalton

  • I can do hard things
  • In the strength of the lord i can do all things
  • have the courage to be the light for others to follow
  • the will to prepare

Tomas S. Monson

  • Change is constent
  • time never stand still, and change is always happening
  • what is importaint and what is not.
  • find joy in the journey, now
  • childhood doesn't come back
  • make the most of today, to make plesent memories
  • dont let stresses get in the way of what is most importaint, the people around us
  • they do not that love that do not show their love
  • always express your thanks
  • never lets a problem to be sloved to be more importaint then a person to be loved
  • as i have loved you, love one another
  • make plesure in the small things

Saturday, October 4, 2008



Joseph B. Wirthlin
  • the lord in his wisdom doesn't shield anyone from pain or suffering completely
  • come what may, and love it.
  • learn to laugh! (i agree with this!!)
  • no one is exempt from sorrow
  • Christ understands our suffering, understands our grief
  • understand principle of compensation
  • god so loved the world that he sent is only begotten son
  • put your trust in the lord and do you best, and let the rest to him
  • there must be opposition in all things, adversity can become a blessing
  • we can endure hardship and trials

Jeffrey R. holland

  • in times of special needs, god will send angles, Divine messengers, to comfort then, and to remind them that heaven is still there.
  • angles still send to help us
  • the lord will fight our battles, and the battles of our children and our children's children's battles, if we walk uprightly and remember our covenants
  • mortal and immortal angles,
  • my spirit shall be in your heart, and my angles around about you to bear you up.

gerald causse

  • become humble like a little child
  • wash and be clean
  • natural man is an enemy to god, unless be become like a little child, humble, meek, loving..


  • he who drinks of the water i give him shall never thirst , ( the Gospel)
  • Christ is the bread of life,
  • Christ is the way, the truth and the light, no man commit unto the father, but through me.
  • he is the way
  • we believe in god the eternal father, and in his son, and in the holy ghost
  • only god can bless us
  • nothing in this life is a greater gift, then the holy ghost
  • every good things depends on getting and keeping the power of the holy ghost
  • Christ is the way, follow him
  • the lord way is not hard, life is hard, the Gospel is not.
  • come unto me all ye that labor and are heavily laden..... for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light

D Todd christofferson

  • Zion is both a place and a people
  • and the lord called his people Zion because they were of one heart and one mind and dwelt in righteousness
  • forgiveness of one another is vital to become as Zions
  • place Christ as the center of our lives
  • D&c 115: 5-6
  • come to Zion and with in her walls rejoice

David A Bednair (i think i spelled his last name wrong...)

  • council with the god in all our doing
  • all things were created spiritual before they were created naturally on the earth
  • morning and evening prays
  • let all thy thoughts be directed unto the lord
  • express your thankfulness in prayers
  • god is not offended by our sins, only by the sins that we don't repent of.


Saturday 10:00-12:00

L. Tom Perry

  • Live frugal, a simple lifestyle
  • do not spend more then you have

Silvia a Allred

  • rely more on the lord
  • how great is the joy in the soul that repents

Neil L Anderson

  • you don’t know everything, you know enough.
  • spiritual home storage
  • become like a little child, knowing just enough for happiness
Marcos A. A....
  • The book of Mormon
  • when you know that the book of Mormon is true, you know that a prophet of god lives on the earth, you know that Jesus Christ is the son of god, you know that heavenly father lives, and love you. endure to the end
  • we can understand the book of Mormon when we humble ourselves to be able to understand it.

Dallin H Oaks

  • D&C 59: 9-10
  • give of holy ghost- one of the greatest gifts given to man
  • sacrament meeting highlight of your Sunday
  • sacrament meeting is like going to the temple, dress likewise
  • sacrament meeting is not a time for texting, reading magazines, talking on the phone, reading books, or etc.
  • reflect on the mission of our redeemer during sacrament meetings.

Dieter F. Uchdorf!!! (he is my favorite:))

  • put faith and hope into action
  • infinite power of hope
  • Scriptures written that we might have hope, scriptures have power to fill our lives with happiness
  • hope, foundation of our faith
  • faith, hope and Charity
  • satin uses despair to try leave us empty, deludes the soul, and to lead us only down the stair case.
  • great hope of mankind, the hope that we get from our Savior
  • believing and hoping that our prayers will be answered
  • hope glorifying god through good works
  • things we hope for, and things we hope in.
  • we have a glorious future with our heavenly father, there we will live forever, never to taste of death again.
  • no matter how bad things look today, we know because of Christ that we will have the most perfect life after death.
  • the Gospel that we hope in, will help us get though any darkness that may surround us.
  • we can hold tightly to the hope of the Gospel, when it seems we are lost
  • hope leads to good works
  • ( he talks with his hands alot)
  • "without faith, there is no hope"
  • the brighter our hope, the greater our hope, the stronger our hope, the greater our Charity
  • hope teachers that there is reasons to rejoices, even when its seems that darkness surrounds.
  • fear not little flock, god will open his arms for you
  • never allow dispair to overwhelm your spirit

ha ha, see how much more i have as it goes down

awesome huh!?!?

Friday, October 3, 2008



its been one of those years...