Joseph B. Wirthlin
- the lord in his wisdom doesn't shield anyone from pain or suffering completely
- come what may, and love it.
- learn to laugh! (i agree with this!!)
- no one is exempt from sorrow
- Christ understands our suffering, understands our grief
- understand principle of compensation
- god so loved the world that he sent is only begotten son
- put your trust in the lord and do you best, and let the rest to him
- there must be opposition in all things, adversity can become a blessing
- we can endure hardship and trials
Jeffrey R. holland
- in times of special needs, god will send angles, Divine messengers, to comfort then, and to remind them that heaven is still there.
- angles still send to help us
- the lord will fight our battles, and the battles of our children and our children's children's battles, if we walk uprightly and remember our covenants
- mortal and immortal angles,
- my spirit shall be in your heart, and my angles around about you to bear you up.
gerald causse
- become humble like a little child
- wash and be clean
- natural man is an enemy to god, unless be become like a little child, humble, meek, loving..
- he who drinks of the water i give him shall never thirst , ( the Gospel)
- Christ is the bread of life,
- Christ is the way, the truth and the light, no man commit unto the father, but through me.
- he is the way
- we believe in god the eternal father, and in his son, and in the holy ghost
- only god can bless us
- nothing in this life is a greater gift, then the holy ghost
- every good things depends on getting and keeping the power of the holy ghost
- Christ is the way, follow him
- the lord way is not hard, life is hard, the Gospel is not.
- come unto me all ye that labor and are heavily laden..... for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light
D Todd christofferson
- Zion is both a place and a people
- and the lord called his people Zion because they were of one heart and one mind and dwelt in righteousness
- forgiveness of one another is vital to become as Zions
- place Christ as the center of our lives
- D&c 115: 5-6
- come to Zion and with in her walls rejoice
David A Bednair (i think i spelled his last name wrong...)
- council with the god in all our doing
- all things were created spiritual before they were created naturally on the earth
- morning and evening prays
- let all thy thoughts be directed unto the lord
- express your thankfulness in prayers
- god is not offended by our sins, only by the sins that we don't repent of.
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